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Should you focus on growing your talents or on eliminating your weaknesses?
Should I focus on growing my talents or on eliminating my weaknesses? Faced with the same dilemma? You're not alone. Let me try to answer this question for you and provide some actionable tips on what you can do about your strengths and weaknesses in order to grow in your career. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts!
Holistic approach to leadership
Tips for Managers I Feeling stressed and overwhelmed at work? You're not alone. As managers we have a lot on our plate and it's easy to feel overwhelmed at times. BUT, if this happens more often than you'd like, here is why you keep struggling and the first step to changing that…
Why do women earn less than men?
Why do women earn less than men? I I recently learned two interesting facts about salaries in my country, the Czech Republic. Women earn on average 20% less than men, wow! And for salaries in the same position (and the same company) the difference is about 10% whilst the EU average is 5%. Why the difference? As you can imagine, there are many different reasons and they do vary from country to country. There is one major contributing factor however, that is valid across countries. Ready to dive right in? The good news is, there’s a lot that we women can do to narrow the salary gender pay gap!
How women can develop a powerful leadership presence
Have you ever considered what your presence has to do with your power of influence and your success at work? A lot, actually. The two are intimately connected. You may be the most experienced and knowledgeable in your field, but unless you have what we call EXECUTIVE PRESENCE, there is a limit to how far you can go. So, how do you go about developing executive presence to let your unique self shine and increase your influence at work? Watch a replay of my webinar for PBW, an association for Professional Working Women in Tech.
Healthy eating habits for a sharp mind and a fitter body
When most people hear “healthy eating”, they think of dieting. Yet, there’s so much more to it! Have you ever considered that what you eat and drink on a daily basis have a major impact on your performance? And on your stress and anxiety levels? Even your mood! And that’s just to mention a few of the issues... I have interviewed Verónica González, one of our guest trainers on the SHELeads Program on this very topic. If you care about performance, both at your workplace and in life, this video is for you! Enjoy it :)