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Coping with uncertainty
Have you ever found yourself irritated by a colleague or a team member who is struggling to adopt the changes you’re trying to implement at work? Or even worse, directly resisting them? That can feel so frustrating, right? Now, let’s flip the coin for just a moment. Tell me (and let’s be honest here)… How adept ARE YOU at adapting to changes at the workplace or in your life? 🫣 If you're human (which I would like to assume 😛), you may also struggle with changes. Most of us do, and one of the main reasons is this…
7-day self-discovery challenge
If I were to ask you: How well do you know yourself? What would you say? You might laugh and respond, 'What do you mean, Alena? I live with myself, so, of course, I know myself pretty well!' By ‘knowing yourself,’ I mean not only being aware of who you are (and that, in itself, is a BIG question) but also understanding why you act or react the way you do, what drives you, why you feel the way you feel, why certain situations & people drive you insane, etc… So, how well do you know yourself?
Nailing employee engagement
Being surrounded by YES sayers doesn’t happen by chance. For starters, company culture matters. In companies where honesty and transparency are not being appreciated, we will inevitable find a lot of YES sayers. No wonder, for many of these people, it is a very effective strategy to survive (if not thrive) in the workplace. But then, there is something directly linked to YOU and your LEADERSHIP STYLE. Let's explore that in this video ;)
Are you surrounded by YES sayers?
Being surrounded by YES sayers doesn’t happen by chance. For starters, company culture matters. In companies where honesty and transparency are not being appreciated, we will inevitable find a lot of YES sayers. No wonder, for many of these people, it is a very effective strategy to survive (if not thrive) in the workplace. But then, there is something directly linked to YOU and your LEADERSHIP STYLE. Let's explore that in this video ;)
The biggest obstacle to workplace diversity
I realise that this story shows me in a pretty bad light. Still, I want to share it with you because it so nicely illustrates errors in judgement due to one’s preconceived ideas and ignorance (in this case - my own). This is one of the intense experiences I’ve had during my 1 year trip across Southeast Asia back in 2008, that changed me profoundly. I hope my story gets you thinking of similar encounters you may have had in your own life and how you dealt with them. The big question is: Do YOU give the “Martins” in your life a chance? ;)