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When you can't stand them...
Is there someone you can't stand being around? Someone you actively try to avoid because they trigger all kinds of negative feelings and emotions in you? This can be a major hurdle, especially if it’s someone you have to deal with on a daily basis, a coworker for instance. Avoidance is not an option, so what do you do now?
Why is it easy to be misunderstood?
Misunderstand and being misunderstood is painful. Sadly, misunderstandings happen on daily basis in our partnerships, at work. And no wonder. There are so many factors at play when you communicate with others that your chances of being understood are pretty slim. Unless you know how to manage these factors...
Want to feel more confident?
I think that most of us do. The question is: what are we doing to cultivate real, deep self-confidence? And, what is it we may be doing (without even realising it) that is jeopardising our self-confidence? Let’s talk about, shall we… :)
Love it or hate it?
Do you also have a love-hate relationship with selling? Let’s face it, knowing how to sell is crucial, even if the word ‘sales’ is not part of your job title. Whether asking your boss for a new headcount, presenting a new idea to your management or asking your partner to join you on a sightseeing trip to Afghanistan, you always sell! My latest article in the Czech & Slovak Leaders Magazine provides a few handy tips…
What a bitch!
Silent whispers and murmurs of discontent resonated through the corridor as I stepped out of the meeting room. They weren’t directed at me (not this time), yet they made me shiver... Read more in my latest article published in the Czech & Slovak Leaders Magazine.