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Need to deliver bad news to employees?
Most of us like to be messengers of good news and when the time comes to communicate bad news, we feel uneasy and not sure how to go about it. If you are a manager, it may be your responsibility to communicate bad news such as layoffs, pay cuts or organisational changes to your employees. How do you prepare for tough conversations? What do you say and how do you say it? I interviewed Pavel Novak, a trainer, consultant and mediator on this very topic and I am sure you’ll find his tips and insights very useful.
Do you always have to be the strong one?
I have to be strong! That’s just the way it is. My family needs me. My team needs me, etc, etc… If that’s how you feel, welcome to the club. Many of us, women, feel the same. The question is, does being the strong one help you get what you want? Or quite the contrary?
Two ways to help you stop overreacting
Have you ever said something in a heated moment which you later regretted? If you often find it difficult to control your emotions and stop lashing out at others, here’s two things that you can do next time you're triggered! You’ll feel much better and hopefully avoid ruining many of your social and personal relationships in the future :)
Are you also rejecting your feminine traits?
Some female executives believe they need to be strong and act tough otherwise they won’t be taken seriously. For them, showing their more vulnerable side and being caring and attentive to the needs of others is a professional suicide. What do you think? Could the qualities and traits we so often see as weaknesses become our ultimate advantage?
Do you like yourself? a must watch for female managers
How would you reply? You do or you’re not that sure? This makes a huge difference because you’re a manager and you’re in the spotlight! Liking yourself, valuing who you are is crucial for your success and psychological wellbeing! Think of the people you know who have the most positive impact on others. You’ll find that today they like who they are, but it hasn’t always been that way. They ‘fell in love’ with themselves gradually, through a long process of self-discovery. Wonder where to start? Here’s my tip!